mindmap root((bslib)) shiny + bslib page functions BS 5+ theme new snippet page layouts page_sidebar page_navbar page_navbar with a sidebar cards card, card_header, card_body, card_footer navset_card value_box full_screen sparkline layout layout_column_width layout_columns layout_sidebar accordions tooltips & popovers fillability fillable containers fill items page_fillable dark mode input_dark_mode theming with dark mode in mind extra inputs input_task_button input_switch
Title | Description | duration |
Welcome and Getting Started | Welcome to the workshop and hello, bslib! | 25min |
New layouts | Learn how to lay out UI elements with bslib. | 30min |
☕ Break | Get up and move around! We’ll be right back. | 5min |
Advanced layouts | Flexible and responsive column-first layouts | 20min |
Filling Layouts | Fillabilly who? | 25min |
Advanced Carding | It’s cards all the way down. | 10min |
☕ Break | Get up and move around! We’ll be right back. | 5min |
Details on demand | UI that’s out of sight but within reach | 25min |
New inputs | Two new bslib inputs | 10min |
Dark mode | People use your apps at night, too. | 10min |
Wrap up | Wrap up, resources, questions. |
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