A pager module to add pagination to any collection of items. Given a number of items and a page break, the pagination module returns the indexes of the items on the currently selected page.

pager(id, n_items, page_break = 20)

paginationUI(id, width = 6, ..., offset = 3)

pagerUI(id, label_prev = "Previous", label_next = "Next",
  centered = TRUE, class = NULL)

pagerDemo(display.mode = c("showcase", "normal", "auto"))



The shared id of the pagerUI() and the pager() module


The number of items in the collection of items to be paged


The maximum number of items in each page


The width of the containing column


Additional elements included in the containg column, added before the pagniation buttons


The offest of the containing column


The label of the "Previous" button.


The label of the "Next" button".


If TRUE, the buttons are centered together, otherwise they are separated and spread to the left and right edges of their container.


Additional classes applied to the <nav> container.


The mode in which to display the application. If set to the value "showcase", shows application code and metadata from a DESCRIPTION file in the application directory alongside the application. If set to "normal", displays the application normally. Defaults to "auto", which displays the application in the mode given in its DESCRIPTION file, if any.


  • paginationUI: The user interface for the pager module. The pager is contained in a single column in a fluidRow().

  • pagerUI: Next/previous buttons that can be used in addition to, or in place of paginationUI().

  • pagerDemo: Example app demonstrating usage of the pager module.




if (interactive()) { library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( titlePanel("shinyThings Pagination"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( width = 6, tags$h4("paginationUI()"), shinyThings::paginationUI("pager", width = 12, offset = 0, class = "text-center"), tags$hr(), sliderInput("page_break", "Page Size", min = 1, max = 6, step = 1, value = 3), helpText(tags$code("page_break")), tags$hr(), tags$h4("pagerUI()"), shinyThings::pagerUI("pager", centered = FALSE) ), mainPanel( width = 6, tags$p("Page indices:"), verbatimTextOutput("page_indices"), tags$p(HTML("Paged output (<code>letters</code>):")), uiOutput("paged_output") ) ) ) server <- function(input, output) { ## page_break and n_items can be reactive or fixed values # page_break <- 4 # n_items <- length(letters) n_items <- reactiveVal(length(letters)) page_break <- reactive({input$page_break}) page_indices <- shinyThings::pager("pager", n_items, page_break) output$page_indices <- renderPrint({ page_indices() }) output$paged_output <- renderUI({ tags$ul( lapply(letters[page_indices()], tags$li) ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server) }