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Add bibliographic metadata to pages in the format expected by Google Scholar. Please reference the Google Scholar Inclusion page for the most up-to-date information and instructions. Note that this function adds the citation_ prefix to all of its arguments; the title argument becomes the citation_title <meta> tag.


  .meta = meta(),
  online_date = NULL,
  journal_title = NULL,
  conference_title = NULL,
  volume = NULL,
  issue = NULL,
  firstpage = NULL,
  lastpage = NULL,
  pdf_url = NULL,
  issn = NULL,
  isbn = NULL,
  dissertation_institution = NULL,
  technical_report_institution = NULL,
  technical_report_number = NULL



A meta object created by meta() or as_meta(), or returned by a meta_*() object.


The title of the paper.

The title tag must contain the title of the paper. Don't use it for the title of the journal or a book in which the paper was published, or for the name of your repository. This tag is required for inclusion in Google Scholar.


A vector of author names.

The author tag, must contain the authors (and only the actual authors) of the paper. Don't use it for the author of the website or for contributors other than authors, e.g., thesis advisors. Author names can be listed either as "Smith, John" or as "John Smith". Put each author name in a separate tag and omit all affiliations, degrees, certifications, etc., from this field. At least one author tag is required for inclusion in Google Scholar.

publication_date, online_date

The date the paper was published in the journal (publication_date) or published online (online_date).

The publication_date tag must contain the date of publication, i.e., the date that would normally be cited in references to this paper from other papers. Don't use it for the date of entry into the repository - that should go into online_date instead. Provide full dates in the "2010/5/12" format if available; or a year alone otherwise. This tag is required for inclusion in Google Scholar.

journal_title, conference_title, issn, isbn, volume, issue, firstpage, lastpage

For journal and conference papers, provide the remaining bibliographic citation data in the following tags: journal_title or conference_title, issn, isbn, volume, issue, firstpage, and lastpage. These fields must contain sufficient information to identify a reference to this paper from another document, which is normally all of: (a) journal or conference name, (b) volume and issue numbers, if applicable, and (c) the number of the first page of the paper in the volume (or issue) in question.


The <meta> tags normally apply only to the exact page on which they're provided. If this page shows only the abstract of the paper and you have the full text in a separate file, e.g., in the PDF format, please specify the locations of all full text versions using pdf_url. The content of the tag is the absolute URL of the PDF file; for security reasons, it must refer to a file in the same subdirectory as the HTML abstract.

dissertation_institution, technical_report_institution, technical_report_number

For theses, dissertations, and technical reports, provide the remaining bibliographic citation data in the following tags: dissertation_institution, technical_report_institution for the name of the institution and technical_report_number for the number of the technical report. As with journal and conference papers, you need to provide sufficient information to recognize a formal citation to this document from another article.


A meta object, or a set of <meta> HTML tags inside an HTML <head> tag. For use in rmarkdown::html_document(), shiny::runApp(), or other HTML locations.


  title = c(
    "The testis isoform of the phosphorylase kinase catalytic subunit (PhK-T)",
    "plays a critical role in regulation of glycogen mobilization in developing lung"
  author = c(
    "Liu, Li",
    "Rannels, Stephen R.",
    "Falconieri, Mary",
    "Phillips, Karen S.",
    "Wolpert, Ellen B.",
    "Weaver, Timothy E."
  publication_date = "1996/05/17",
  journal_title = "Journal of Biological Chemistry",
  volume = 271,
  issue = 20,
  firstpage = 11761,
  lastpage = 11766,
  pdf_url = ""
#> <meta name="citation_title" content="The testis isoform of the phosphorylase kinase catalytic subunit (PhK-T) plays a critical role in regulation of glycogen mobilization in developing lung"/>
#> <meta name="citation_author" content="Liu, Li"/>
#> <meta name="citation_author" content="Rannels, Stephen R."/>
#> <meta name="citation_author" content="Falconieri, Mary"/>
#> <meta name="citation_author" content="Phillips, Karen S."/>
#> <meta name="citation_author" content="Wolpert, Ellen B."/>
#> <meta name="citation_author" content="Weaver, Timothy E."/>
#> <meta name="citation_publication_date" content="1996/05/17"/>
#> <meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Journal of Biological Chemistry"/>
#> <meta name="citation_volume" content="271"/>
#> <meta name="citation_issue" content="20"/>
#> <meta name="citation_firstpage" content="11761"/>
#> <meta name="citation_lastpage" content="11766"/>
#> <meta name="citation_pdf_url" content=""/>